Mu Lan Legend Story




"Each person's hijab / head scarf journey is different. The hijab / head scarf is meant to elevate each person to a state of confidence, tranquility and transcendence. It symbolizes honor, dignity and nobility.” Mu Lan says.

We listen to our scarf wearers. Mu Lan Legend scarf set features versatility that allows you to create multiple styles. To create a head scarf, we make sure the fabric is soft, light weight and non-slip. We use silk, cotton and velvet, the best breathable fabrics. Our scarf turbans give you the option to create your own desired style. 




“My sensitivity to high-quality fabric was cultivated by my grandmother. She grew her own cotton field. During the harvest time, the cotton flowers were like roses greeting her. She patiently spun the thread out of cotton and further dyed, wove the fabric. I remember how beautiful are the finished fabric weaving in the wind saluting to its creator”, Mu Lan says, “She saw the love in my heart to be her inheritor of Mu Lan Legend.”




The silk history can be traced back to ancient China.  The legend says Queen of Yellow Emperor taught her people the art of raising silk worms.

Traditionally, silk scarves in China gained recognition and a status of symbol amongst high-ranking royal families. In 202 B.C., Silk Road originated from Xi’an, capital city of West Han dynasty. Silk Story continues and silk grows its popularity with more complex patterns and textures. Mu Lan Legend continues her Silk Story.




To those of us at Mu Lan Legend, Silk Story is a love story. History has proven that silk scarves are one of the most versatile and timeless art pieces every girl and woman wants to own. It is designed for all the women, fashionistas and religious wearers. Aesthetically and psychologically, such a scarf is the best statement to express your identity and subtle exquisiteness.

“ We constantly research on sustainable fabric, especially silk fabric. It is such an organic fabric that empowers us for a healthy lifestyle. Our Silk Story continues as a true legend, transcending the culture and nations to unite people together.” Mu Lan says.




Our Prophet (PBUH) encourages us to seek knowledge from cradle to grave. We are committed in empowering our girls and women. In 2019, we established Mu Lan Education focusing on reading and writing on English, Arabic and Chinese. To date, our support has provided local students and overseas students the means for further quality education. This year, we intend to further expand our teaching and learning through physical and online classes.